Single-use ureteroscopes have become increasingly important in modern endourology, especially the 7.5 FR disposable ureteroscope. These instruments were specially developed for the treatment of ureteral diseases and offer numerous advantages over reusable models, but also over the standard 9.2 FR ureteroscopes.
1. Smaller diameter
2. improved patient comfort
3. extended application possibilities
This is in addition to the advantages of the disposable endoscope, such as excellent image quality, ergonomic design and anytime availability.
The 7.5 FR single-use ureteroscope therefore represents a significant innovation in endourology. It combines high functionality with safety and cost-effectiveness, making it a valuable addition to the urologist's toolkit. With increasing availability and acceptance of this technology, it is to be expected that it will play an important role in the treatment of ureteral diseases in the future.
We are delighted to present our innovative WiScope 7.5 FR URS and to provide you with our expertise and support!